Fostering / Adoption Infertility Loss of a baby Uncategorized

When Mother’s Day is Hard

Several of my friends have recently suffered miscarriages. They endure the anguish of feeling their bodies begin to change to make room for a growing baby only to lose the child. I, too, have experienced it—four times. At first we thought perhaps I had a problem with fertility. It took us a year to get […]

Infertility Testimony

Facing Infertility

Infertility.  The word holds a multitude of connotations.  Some may feel indifference towards it – it has never touched them, never entered their vocabulary and possibly never will.  To others, the word brings with it a tidal wave of emotions: anger, fear, desperation, anguish, loss, envy.  Every birth announcement, school play, birthday, Mothers’ or Fathers’ […]

Fostering / Adoption Infertility Testimony

God’s Invitation

God’s will is a difficult thing to fathom. We know that it is never God’s intention for a child to need a new home. Indeed, amongst the joy of adoption, there is always an element of grief – for relationships broken, for all the things that were not as they should have been for that […]