Welcome to Under the Rainbow (UtR), a Christian resource for the loss of a baby, infertility, adoption and fostering.

This website primarily seeks to encourage and support people in their relationship with God through Biblical resources whilst providing practical information, reading recommendations and testimonials.

May you know more the one true living God, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who has promised to keep you with an everlasting love in whom you can rest secure, sheltered safe, under the rainbow.

"We have used the website a lot over the past couple of months and we have found it to be very helpful. The written testimonies were great especially, and really gave us a sense of peace that we weren’t the only ones who had been through this kind of ordeal. This is a great resource that has blessed us tremendously."

New release

Karen S Palmer,  author of Jennifer: A Life Precious to God, has recently reviewed this book:

The Moon is Always Round
by Jonathan Gibson, illustrated by Joe Hox
Published by New Growth Press, NC 2019
“This is not a picture book for a child to explore and read on their own. Rather, it is designed as an aid to help adults to talk with children about God’s goodness, even when a looked-forward-to baby sibling dies. The illustrations are beautiful, yet don’t gloss over the sadness, including at the funeral, where the grief of all those attending is visible. 
It is, in fact, a most remarkable story of God’s  providence, for the idea of using the moon, in its different stages, as an illustration to explain God’s unchanging goodness to his 3 year old son, came to him only a a short time before the intra-uterine death of his daughter at 39 weeks. By then, he had developed the idea into a simple catechism which he had been using regularly with his son, little knowing how valuable that lesson would become for them all.
I would recommend it for a family grieving the death of a baby, but not for young children coping with other losses, and not with young children with no experience of loss. Some of the book descriptions online make it sound as if it would be helpful as a way into discussing suffering in general, but I would not recommend it to be used in that way, unless with much older children”.


"I find this resource such an encouragement. To hear the honest exploration of individuals pain and vulnerability in the midst of extreme loss touches on so many familiar areas experienced through our own daughters cot death.

"As a counsellor who has worked with Christians grieving in this area I find this website a valuable resource for myself, as well as being a great support for my clients. My thanks goes to all those willing to share honestly of their experiences of loss and what it meant to do so within their journeys of faith."
Celia Burns
Association of Christian Counsellors