Reflections on Matthew 6:25-34

Intro – Jesus is here correcting our perspective. 1. He really does know what we need and we can trust him. 2. But it is all in the context of his kingdom priorities. These are not just for us and are not centred on us, but reflect his perfect wisdom and justice and love which […]

Intro – Jesus is here correcting our perspective.

1. He really does know what we need and we can trust him.

2. But it is all in the context of his kingdom priorities. These are not just for us and are not centred on us, but reflect his perfect wisdom and justice and love which we can never fully fathom.

3. That’s why Jesus says “Seek first his kingdom and righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

4. This is what Jesus himself did. Why was he up before dark away from the clamouring crowds praying in a solitary place? (Mark 1:35). He was making sure always that his will was aligned with his Father’s will. That’s why he could say of his Father in John 8:29 – “I always do what pleases him.”

5. So be concerned above everything else about God’s kingdom and what he desires. And with that perspective, bring your own deep needs to God in prayer, trusting him to provide.

6. See how this chimes in with the Lord’s Prayer, where the first petition for ourselves is for our daily bread and it comes right after worshipping god and praying for his kingdom to come and his will to be done.